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What is Dinner With a Ghost?

Dinner With A Ghost alchemically blends history, fine dining, and paranormal investigation into a night of anticipation and wonderment unlike any other.

The Dinner With A Ghost experience is uniquely satisfying because it fully engages the body, mind, and spirit through a multi-course gourmet meal, riveting presentation on the history, key personalities of the host location, and warm engagement with any spirits on hand. In fact, Dinner With A Ghost is so solicitous of spirit sensibilities that a place of honor is always set for them at the head of the dining table

What does it look like?

The table is always the fulcrum of the event, brought to life with fine china and crystal place settings, theatrical lighting, and dramatic rock crystal centerpieces.

On the paranormal front, a full complement of digital audio recorders, alarms, REM-pods, motion detectors, K-2 Meters, DVR cameras, and a laser grid is poised to measure and record any activity during the dinner experience, with special attention given to the spirit(s) place setting at the end of the table.

Your Dinner With a Ghost experience includes:

8:00p.m. Champagne Reception with a review of the nights events

8:30p.m. Your 4-Course Chef-Prepared Gourmet Dinner includes soup, salad, entree, and a hauntingly good dessert to finish.

10:00pm 2 Hour Paranormal Investigation of this Historic Icon of Americas Past

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Dinner With A Ghost 

is a 4-course chef prepared dinner experience with a paranormal investigation after.

Tel: (503) 569-4753

Currently Dinner With A Ghost is only available in the United States

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 2023 Dinner With A Ghost

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